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Post to the west Chiselhurst Yester Road
War memorial The Portland stone memorial with a bronze sword set on one face of a
stone cross can be found at the junction. This was one of the first memorials
to be unveiled in the borough in 1920. The memorial cost more than £1,000 with
£86 for architect's fees.
The Royal British Legion memorial, at Chislehurst
cemetery, is a simple Portland stone headstone bearing a central carving of the
Legion's lion's head.
Bull Lane
Easdens . unusually confidently handled house
early c 20. Sir Aston Webb, built as a church
hall 1909-11
Chiselhurst Common
Chislehurst Common, shown as ‘Chiselhurst Common’ on the
Ordnance map of 1805, is the site of an old cockpit - a reminder that cockfighting was once a
popular sport here as elsewhere until it was prohibited in 1834.
Ramblers Rest
Royal Parade
Bulls Head. Listed and distinguished flagship
Prickend Pond is an old
gravel pit
Fen Grove
Post Office
Parish lock up and stocks
near the Bull's Head
Heathfield Lane
Wallings , Afoy's own house, 1913, brown brick, harbinger of a
myriad between-the- wars houses.
Holbrook Lane
Holbrook End piquant contrast in moods: crudely
handled neo-Georgian by Richard Creed, 1907,
pushes forward aggressively,
Peasons Morley Horder's
neo- Tudor idyll, 1924, in a grove of birches.
Farrington School Symmetrical group, rendered neo-Georgian houses 1910-11
by Gordon & Gunton 1925, . . All but the earliest building by Crickmer & Foxley founded as sister school to The Leys. boarders