London and Greenwich Railway. Bermondsey
The Greenwich Railway runs south eastwards from London Bridge Station TQ 34243 79751 Inner urban area of riverside and central Bermondsey. Along the riverside are the remains of wharves - many of which dealt with grain of various sorts into the 1980s. Many have been converted into flats; others demolished. There is some open space. In the south west of this square the earliest railway in London and the first suburban railway in the world - the London and Greenwich - runs, along with other lines going in to London Bridge. Away from the river the area was intensely industrialised with factories of all sorts in streets along with housing which dated mainly either from the 19th or 20th council estates. Of particular note in this area was the vast Peek Frean biscuit factory - now largely a location for small businesses. There were also glue works, preserves, baking chemicals and much else - with some works associated with the Bermondsey Leather industry. There are also the usual in