not edited or finsihed Post to the east Holders Hill Post to the west Burnt Oak Post to the south central Hendon Grahame Park RAF Museum. Concrete and glass galleries of 1969-72 by Industrial Development Group Ltd. Battle of Britain Museum, next to the RAF Museum, 1977-8. Opened 1978. RAF Museum, Shop. Opened by Queen in 1972. 10 Acres of old Hendon airfield, things from First World War Bomber Command Museum, 1983, by Anne Machin of Wimpey Architects. Grahame-White Hangar. In two parts. The earlier and lower part, c. 1917 (originally one of a pair), is constructed with Belfast trusses, an inexpensive type of wide-span roof with bow- string trusses of timber, invented in Northern Ireland in the c19 and widely used during the First World War. The front row of brick, originally had sliding doors. The other part, of 1918, has four cross-braced steel roof trusses. Belfast truss roof provided a good, way of spanning the large area needed. Listed Grade II but once considered