Railway from London Bridge to Gravesend. Erith
This entry relates only to the south bank of the river in this square Railway line from London Bridge to Gravesend The line continues south eastwards Post to the west Erith Post to the south Erith Post to the north Wennington Marshes and Shared part square to the north Coldharbour Point Post to the east Great Coldharbour Bexley Road Bexley Road also seems to be the name of the steps going down to the High Street from Bosworth House. 33 Celestial Church of Christ – this is an old retail, tyre workshop building. 33 Redeemed Christian Church of God, as above Bronze Age Way This is the Erith -Thamesmead Spine Road opened in 1997 and named Bronze Age Way after archaeological discoveries during its construction. It is the A2016. Chandlers Drive Modern housing which part of a development called Ocean Park. To the north and west is a succession of industrial buildings based in West Street or Gas House Lane – predecessors to Telcon’s Ocean Works. Chichester Wharf Moder