Welwyn Garden City



with the spacious intersection with Howardsgate and Parkway at right angles with  a central garden throughout their lengths. Designed by Louis de Souissons

De Soissons Memorial

Coronation fountain


Christ Church Baptist Church

Howards Gate Gardens

Plaque to Ebenezer Howard near the Central Lawns

Church modern red brick

Welwyn Garden City

the second Garden City, Ebenezer Howard bought at an auction several farms on either side of the Great Northern Railway main line from London to York and in 1920 Welwyn Garden City Ltd. was set up. Louis de Soissons was appointed as architect/planner and presonted his 'master plan' on llth June the same year. The layout of the town centre is peculiarly characteristic of Welwyn Garden City and is one of its most successful. The tiled houses of Welwyn lay discreetly well away from the Great North Road, and the town was approached by a side turning.  the new alignment of the Al-have brought it closer. 


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