Thames Tributary - Darent - Squerryes

Thames Tributory Darent
Darent Spring and source. The Darent spring is in the wood ahead of a concrete footpath sign on Hosey Common Road 200 yard past Crockham House and is a decorative feature in tbe house. It flows downhill and northward and is joined by another steam from the east

Post to the north Westerham

Hosey Common Road
Crockham House. Mackinnon,Chairman of Lloyds lived there. In the garden is a Crown of Thorns tree .The drive to the house is over a bridge which dams the stream which forms a pool.Stream has been turned into a water garden in the grounds of the house. at the edge of a young plantation, the spring goes through a clump of reeds in a patch of swampy grass. flow down steps and exotic flowers through the garden. Kingfishers can be seen along with ducks and herons.
Romano British fort in the woods. It is triangular covering 11 acres and is now a treep planred hillock.. These earthworks must once have dominated the hillside.

Tower Wood

April Cottage


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