London/Essex boundary - Grange Hill & Hailault

TQ 93 46
The London/ Redbridge /Essex boundary follows the railway line north and then turns north east up Lambourne Road. At a school boundary it turns south, then east on the school boundary, skirts the northern end of Brock Close and continues north of Hainault Way.

Post to the west Grange Hill Station
Post to the north Chigwell Row
Post to the east Hainault
Post to the south Hainault Station

Sites on the Essex side of the border

Arrowsmith Road

Boar Close

Crossbow Road

Fallow Close

Fletcher Road

Harbourer Close

Harbourer Road

Hart Crescent

Hind Close

Lambourne Road

Manford Way
Manford Way Primary School, a design of 1948 by Harold Conoly the Essex County Architect, set back behind a lawn. It has a tower at the junction of the single-storey classroom block, open to the playground on the side, offices and the separate nursery with its own garden at the end
Grange Secondary School
The Assumption, R.C., is of 1952-3 by D. J. Buries, red brick, redone in the early 1980s

Manor Road
Railway LineLeaving Grange Hill station the line runs on an embankment.

Regarder Road

Sites on the Essex side of the border

Chigwell. Mineral spring from the 18th

Wood View
Wells Park School and Training Centre


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