River Chess Beechengrove Wood

River Chess
The Chess flows south eastwards
TQ 04380 97161

Woodland area through which the M25 runs

Post to the west Chorleywood Estate
Post to the south Solesbridge

Beechenwood Grove
This is privately owned woodland and is the largest wood in the area with ancient and plantation woodland. There is a mini scarp on the valley side in the wood where chalk is exposed and beech is dominant.

This section of road was opened originally as the North Orbital Road

River Chess
Water powered pump. Small pump house, built over a channel from the River Chess, contains a small waterwheel, and a three-throw pump, by John Warner & Sons of Cripplegate, London. It pumped water to nearby Chorleywood House. It was in use through the 1960's. The building has the waterwheel without its floats and pump still in situ.

A405 Wikipedia. Web site
Hertfordshire County Council. Web site
Watermills of Hertfordshire. Web site


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