Thames Tributary Earl Sluice - River Peck - Peckham Rye
Thames Tributary Earl Sluice The River Peck leaves the park and continues underground in the sewer in a general northerly direction towards the Earl Sluice Post to the north Peckham Post to the south East Dulwich Post to the west East Dulwich Amott Road. Amott Baptist Church Carden Road 1 Lighthouse Cathedral – was St.Anthony (or St. Antholin) church. Now Ghanaian church. Built 1877-8 by Ewan Christian in red brick, lancet style. One end was demolished after bombing and replaced by a vicarage plus garden. This work was done by Laurence King. Consort Road Beeston House almshouses (1834) of the Girdlers' Company a terrace of five stuccoed Tudor houses in a garden, with a separate one-storey range on either side, tactfully added since the Second World War. The Worshipful Company of Girdlers erected these almshouses to commemorate the good deeds of Cuthbert Beeston who was Master of the Company in 1570. In his will dated of 1582, he gave the Company premises in the pari...