
Showing posts from March, 2010

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice - River Peck - Peckham Rye

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice The River Peck leaves the park and continues underground in the sewer in a general northerly direction towards the Earl Sluice Post to the north Peckham Post to the south East Dulwich Post to the west East Dulwich Amott Road. Amott Baptist Church Carden Road 1 Lighthouse Cathedral – was St.Anthony (or St. Antholin) church. Now Ghanaian church. Built 1877-8 by Ewan Christian in red brick, lancet style. One end was demolished after bombing and replaced by a vicarage plus garden. This work was done by Laurence King. Consort Road Beeston House almshouses (1834) of the Girdlers' Company a terrace of five stuccoed Tudor houses in a garden, with a separate one-storey range on either side, tactfully added since the Second World War. The Worshipful Company of Girdlers erected these almshouses to commemorate the good deeds of Cuthbert Beeston who was Master of the Company in 1570. In his will dated of 1582, he gave the Company premises in the pari...

Thames Tributary River Peck - East Dulwich

Thames Tributary River Peck A number of springs and streamlets contribute to the stream in Peckham Rye Park . The slightly more downmarket bit of Dulwich but rapidly becoming fashionable around Peckham Rye Post to the north Peckham Rye Post to the east Honor Oak Post to the south Forest Hill Barry Road, Named after Sir Charles Barry, 1867, designer of Houses of Parliament and Surveyor of Dulwich College Emmanuel United Reform Church. Built 1890 it would look like a Church of England church if it was not for the Sunday School next door. It is a large ragstone building with a prominent spire ending the view down Barry Road. By W. D. Church, 1890-1. Crystal Palace Road CPT pub. Was the Crystal Palace Tavern The Uplands , was The Uplands Tavern Colyton Road 5 Percy Oliver – Oliver was a Camberwell local government officer, involved in the Red Cross and instrumental in setting up the blood donor service. Darrell Road. East Dulwich Community Centre Forest Hill Road 2 ...

Thames Tributary River Peck - Honor Oak

Thames Tributary River Peck - Honor Oak The Peck rises from three springs in the Honor Oak area and flows south towards Peckham Rye Post to the west East Dulwich Post to the west Crofton Park Post to the south Forest Hill Ackroyd Street Developed by the Leathersellers ‘Company. Athelney Road, built by Gates, a South London millionaire also active ubn Walworth and Kennington as well. Borland Road Previously Marylebone Road 2 Gandolfi family moved into a hat pin factory here in 1928. They made very posh wooden cameras but moved to Andover in the early 1980s. Cameras supplied to the Tutenkamun expedition, to David Bailey etc. Brenchley Gardens Brenchley Gardens Linear Park . Created on land previously occupied by allotments it was opened on 6 October 1928 it must have been ideal for observing the trains. It was named after Cllr William Brenchley, Mayor of Camberwell. The London County Council wouldn't agree the name so Camberwell claimed it was called after Brenchley ...

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice - Bricklayers

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice Earl Sluice is said to have continued roughly on the line of Albany Road, crossing the Old Kent Road at the Thomas a Becket. It then turned east at Earl Road and continued roughly on the line of Rolls Road. TQ 33517 78696 Inner city area lying along the Old Kent Road and the Roman route out of the city into Kent and ultimately Dover.  Here are the remains of the attempt to turn the area into a major railway terminus at Bricklayers Arms and the spaces which evolved into a major goods terminus. There are also the sites of what was an intensely industrialised area - many works which had links to the important centre of leather working here, glue and related trades. There is also the site of the original Brian Donkin factory where a number of important engineering concepts were developed in the early 19th. Much of the area is now housing but with many pubs, churches and organisations of social support. Post to the north Bermondsey Post to the west ...

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice - North Peckham

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice Earl Sluice is said to follow Albany Road Post to the north Bricklayers Post to the west Camberwell Road Post to the east Peckham Park Road Post to the south Camberwell Boathouse Way, Old towpath on the Peckham Branch of the Grand Surrey Canal. It is a right of way and cannot be closed. There were once houses on it. Burgess Park This is the area of Walworth common and known for footpads Created in the 1950s and 1960s it covers 135 acres and includes London's largest post-war lake. It began as North Camberwell Open Space, in 1965 it was St George's Park and eventually late 1960s Burgess Park named after Jessie Burgess, Camberwell's first woman mayor. In 1943 the Abercrombie plan put forward the opportunity to create a park out of a bomb sites. The park grew along the route of the Surrey Canal. Some fragmented pieces of green; they were at last linked up in 1980-2. Grand Surrey Canal . The last barge was in 1945 and it was drained in ...

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice - Camberwell Road

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice Earl Sluice is said to flow north down Camberwell Road until Albany Road, when it turns north east. TQ 32590 77545 Essentially a residential area on the borders of Walworth and Camberwell. The area includes the remains of the Surrey Canal and its industrial hinteland, now largely turned into a park. Schools, pubs and brutalist estates, often now replaced. Post to the west Kennington Post to the north Walworth Post to the east North Peckham Post to the south Camberwell Addington Square, First built 1810 with a formal centre.  It was named after, Prime Minister, Henry Addington. Burgess Park Entrance . Gate pillars inscribed 1910-1936, at the entrance to what was in 1936 a small recreation ground called King George’s Field. The site had previously been a wharf, baths, and vestry depot. The path into the park from this entrance goes between what would have been the site of the baths and a small basin, which were part of Clarence Wharf. The ...

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice - Camberwell

Thames Tributary Earl Sluice Earl Sluice is said to run down Denmark Hill northwards towards Albany Road TQ 32966 76664 Camberwell centre - busy shopping area plus the remains of an old centre round the Green with posh houses, mostly now gone.  Many pubs, and many gone, along with cinemas, bus garages and churches of all sorts of obscure demoninations and charities. Post to the west Brixton and Stockwell Post to the north Camberwell Post to the south Denmark Hill Post to the east Camberwell Art Gallery Artichoke Lane Camberwell Baths. Building with a many-storeyed red brick front looking a bit like a theatre. There are two pools, one of which was used as a dance hall. With a big striped brick and shaped gable. Built in 1891 they are the earliest surviving public baths by Henry Spalding and Alfred WS Cross who came to specialise in this type. 1891 of work Opened on 1 October 1892 by the Lord Mayor of London. The first plunge in Camberwell Baths was taken by b...