Yeading Brook - Charville LaneTQ 09091 83076
Yeading Brook
Yeading Brook flows south
TQ 09091 83076
Suburban area with pleasant parks and woodlands
Post to the north Gutteridge Wood
Poat to the east Northolt Grange Estate
Bury Crescent
Charville Community Centre. In 1977 a group of residents got together to raise funds. In 1980 the Council offered a derelict piece of land and with funding from the G.L.C. the building was opened in late 1984.
Charville Primary School. The school dates from 1949
Canal feeder
The feeder remains run south and parallels the brook to the east of it.
Charville Lane
Charville Lane has claims to be an ancient trackway between Uxbridge and Harrow – and maybe part of a longer route. It has also been called Ridgeway.
The canal feeder runs parallel to part of the lane and appears as a ditch
Westways Farm
Cycle track. Circular cycle track marked in fields north of the lane
Cowslip Meadow – the canal feeder crosses it. A meadow attracting butterflies which benefit from the continued grazing of horses and cattle. This is part of the Yeading Woods Local Nature Reserve. In the hedges are spindle trees. There are butterflies here - brimstones, meadow browns, clouded yellows, and speckled wood. There are also dragonflies and Rossel's cricket.
Golden Bridge over the Yeading. This humped bridge was built in 1986 although it is an old name for a bridge here in the 16th. The present bridge was opened by the actor Bernard Miles, who in 1929 took part in an action here by local people against the landowner to preserve rights of way.
Ten Acre Wood. Oak plantation woodland surrounded by pasture and hedgerows with horses grazing. There are birds and dragonflies from Yeading brook which borders it.
Lane Covert. Woodland beyond the farm
The Gorse. Small wood north of the lane and west of the main recreation ground.
Weymouth Drive
The canal feeder can be seen with some water in it at the eastern end
Yeading Brook Regional Open Space
Yeading Brook Fields. This public open spaces lies south of Covert Wood and the farm. The fields are dominated by tufted hair-grass, bent grass and Timothy grass and other plants reflect the underlying damp environment. Willows and hawthorn are dotted through the area. Sparrow- hawks, kestrels and house martins are among the birds found here.
Field. Place names of London
John McDonnell MP. Web site
London Borough of Ealing, web site
London Borough of Hillingdon. Web site.
Middlesex County Council. History of Middlesex
Smyth. City wildspace
Yeading Brook flows south
TQ 09091 83076
Suburban area with pleasant parks and woodlands
Post to the north Gutteridge Wood
Poat to the east Northolt Grange Estate
Bury Crescent
Charville Community Centre. In 1977 a group of residents got together to raise funds. In 1980 the Council offered a derelict piece of land and with funding from the G.L.C. the building was opened in late 1984.
Charville Primary School. The school dates from 1949
Canal feeder
The feeder remains run south and parallels the brook to the east of it.
Charville Lane
Charville Lane has claims to be an ancient trackway between Uxbridge and Harrow – and maybe part of a longer route. It has also been called Ridgeway.
The canal feeder runs parallel to part of the lane and appears as a ditch
Westways Farm
Cycle track. Circular cycle track marked in fields north of the lane
Cowslip Meadow – the canal feeder crosses it. A meadow attracting butterflies which benefit from the continued grazing of horses and cattle. This is part of the Yeading Woods Local Nature Reserve. In the hedges are spindle trees. There are butterflies here - brimstones, meadow browns, clouded yellows, and speckled wood. There are also dragonflies and Rossel's cricket.
Golden Bridge over the Yeading. This humped bridge was built in 1986 although it is an old name for a bridge here in the 16th. The present bridge was opened by the actor Bernard Miles, who in 1929 took part in an action here by local people against the landowner to preserve rights of way.
Ten Acre Wood. Oak plantation woodland surrounded by pasture and hedgerows with horses grazing. There are birds and dragonflies from Yeading brook which borders it.
Lane Covert. Woodland beyond the farm
The Gorse. Small wood north of the lane and west of the main recreation ground.
Weymouth Drive
The canal feeder can be seen with some water in it at the eastern end
Yeading Brook Regional Open Space
Yeading Brook Fields. This public open spaces lies south of Covert Wood and the farm. The fields are dominated by tufted hair-grass, bent grass and Timothy grass and other plants reflect the underlying damp environment. Willows and hawthorn are dotted through the area. Sparrow- hawks, kestrels and house martins are among the birds found here.
Field. Place names of London
John McDonnell MP. Web site
London Borough of Ealing, web site
London Borough of Hillingdon. Web site.
Middlesex County Council. History of Middlesex
Smyth. City wildspace