East Barnet


East Barnet
Means 'Eastern part of the burnt clearing'.  The Manor belonged to St. Albans Abbey.  Mansions on the ridge overlooking Pymmes Park.
Buckskin Hall. Recorded as 'Buckskyn Hall' in 1652. On the edge of Enfleld Chase and thought to have belonged to one of the keepers - probably a nickname for a house associated with the buckskin clothing worn while hunting.
Church Hill House (Trevor House)

East Barnet Road
207 minute courtyard garden 

Eversleigh Road
Barnet Synagogue

Lyonsdown Estate
The more affluent of the late Victorian houses are spread over the higher slopes built on the Lyonsdown Estate by the British Land Company because of the nearby station. 
Great Northern Railway 1849, became New Barnet

Lyonsdown Road
Marked ‘Lions Down’ on the Ordnance Survey map of 1822 and recorded as ‘Lyondownes’ or ‘Lionsdownes’ in the 16th and 17th century, so called from the family of John Lyount 1421  with Middle English ‘doun’ 'hill, down'.  Called the ‘Lyons downs’ in 1553. Residential estate developed on what had been meadowland after the coming of the railway in the mid-19th century.  .
Lyonsdown House. Residence in 1810 of Andrew Reid of Watney Coombe Reid, High Sheriff of Hertfordshire. Demolished 1862.
Barnet Baptist Church
Holy Trinity 1868. Early work by Ewan Christian. .
Society of African  Missionaries
Lyonsdown Hall

Somerset Road
St.John United Reform Church by John Finlayson and Iain Langlands. Planned 1964, built 1967-9. 
Church hall. Taking advantage of the slope.
Pillar box by A. Handyside & Co. Ltd. Derby & London.  Foundry; Britannia V.R. cypher Small 15^" dia. 1887 - c.1899                      

St.Wilfrid's Road

York Road
Pillar box by A. Handyside & Co. Ltd. Derby & London.  Foundry; Britannia V.R. cypher Small 15^" dia. 1887 - c.1899                      


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