The London/Surrey boundary - Cheam Common

The London/Surrey/Sutton boundary goes north between the railway line and Stoneleigh Avenue then Lynwood Drive.
London/Surrey/Kingston boundary turns west south of the church on Central Road and crosses the Beverley Brook and The Avenue

The Beverley Brook
Rises in this area and flows northwards to the Thames

Boring suburban area

Post to the west Worcester Park
Post to the north Worcester Park
Post to the south Stoneleigh Park

Sites on the London Sutton side of the boundary

Brinkley Avenue
St.Matthias RC 1965 by Tomas & Maxwell. Romanesque with campanile.

Cheam Common Road
Cheam Common was enclosed by 1810.
St.Philip. 1873 by Carpenter. This was of red brick but was demolished in 1978 because of subsidence
Cheam Common Elementary School 1860s
Cheam Common Infants and Junior School 1932
MacMillan House, offices on the site of Lower Farm which was a brick works in the 1860s but later used for development. Driven on by William Lavender.
Isolation hospital for Epsom Rural Health Authority 1890s.

Longfellow Road
Laid out by the British Land Company in the 1860s.

Railway Line
Cunliffe’s siding. A rail incline worked by rope connected to the line connected to the up line via a short siding and going to the Worcester Brick Company works. Removed early 1950s.

Sandringham Road
Cuddington Recreation Ground. The Beverley Brook first emerges above ground here and goes north and eventually goes into a culvert. Its banks are steep and lined with trees like field maple and elms. There are large oaks and hornbeam in the park

St.Philip's Avenue

Washington Road
Laid out by the British Land Company in the 1860s.

GLIAS Newsletter
London Borough of Sutton. Web site
Nature Conservation in Sutton
Pevsner and Cherry. Web site
Smythe, Citywildspace
St.Matthias. Web site


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