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Chevening Road.

Mill stream. Lamb. Mill produced bank note paper. Wood, Big pond Earthworks Sluice Wood, opposite the Lamb. Small factory now was a mill which produced bank note paper. Big pond in the wood filled by the little stream off the river. Earthworks of the pond parallel to the road for 100s of yards. Filled in 60 years ago. Sluice still there. And stone retaining wall below the railings at the pavement edge.

Combe Bank

Mansion owned by Duke of Argyll, Private girls' school, 2nd World War 86 aintenance Unit RAF dumped many wrecked aircraft in the grounds Wood, Mond

Main Road

Old Hall, Fifteenth century house, three cottages at the beginning of the century, Prof. Beresford Pite FRIBA restored it in 1923 using local materials and methods, circle of stones in the Great Hall was central hearth with smoke going out through the roof, Big chimney and inglenook built since, West end to prop up the chimney, Exotic fowl outside and peacock



history of it in the Maidstone Museum, Yeomanry Regiment there in First World War, long story about a German parachutist coming down in Sundridge and being helped and getting in touch years later

Sundridge Waterworks Kent Waterworks Co. Engine house demolished 1936. Modern pump house on site

Skibbs Lane

Acacia Farm, denehole said to have been filled in


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