Fiddlers Brook - Actons Lane
Thames Tributary Fiddlers Brook
Fiddlers Brook flows south towards the River Stort
Rural area with scattered farms and woodland
Post to the east Manor of Groves
Post to the south Gilston
Actons Lane
Actons Farm. Farm house on moated manorial site. It is 16th probably built for the Leventhorpe family but changed in the 18th. There is also an 18th brick bake house. The oven projects under a wooden shelter. Barn, cart shed and byre with bats. On the farm is a mature Dutch, or weeping elm.
Maplecroft Wood. Ancient ash and hazel woodland with hornbeam, field maple and elm – some coppiced. In the centre is replanted ash, oak, hazel and cherry.
Great Penny’s Farm. Granary 18th - timber framed and weather boarded building. Great Pennys barns are a modern self build project.
Golden Grove. Ancient former elm coppiced woodland. There is also hornbeam, maple, ash and wych elm with some planted conifer. In the spring there are bluebells and patches of primroses
Pevsner and Cherry. Essex
Victoria History of Essex
Fiddlers Brook flows south towards the River Stort
Rural area with scattered farms and woodland
Post to the east Manor of Groves
Post to the south Gilston
Actons Lane
Actons Farm. Farm house on moated manorial site. It is 16th probably built for the Leventhorpe family but changed in the 18th. There is also an 18th brick bake house. The oven projects under a wooden shelter. Barn, cart shed and byre with bats. On the farm is a mature Dutch, or weeping elm.
Maplecroft Wood. Ancient ash and hazel woodland with hornbeam, field maple and elm – some coppiced. In the centre is replanted ash, oak, hazel and cherry.
Great Penny’s Farm. Granary 18th - timber framed and weather boarded building. Great Pennys barns are a modern self build project.
Golden Grove. Ancient former elm coppiced woodland. There is also hornbeam, maple, ash and wych elm with some planted conifer. In the spring there are bluebells and patches of primroses
Pevsner and Cherry. Essex
Victoria History of Essex