The Ridge


Oxted railway tunnel

2087m. 1865 200,

Church Road

St.Agatha’s Church. Up on the Downs. Meanest little village church in Surrey. Old church much restored. Smallest in Surrey and one of the highest. tiny old church. Seating only 50 people was replaced in 1933 by the new church of St. Paul.  Only one tiny room divided into two parted by a wooden screen and having no bell, or spire or tower. It was rebuilt in the early 19th having been ruinous at various times since the middle ages.

Great Church Wood. Golf Course. Barrowleys was the name of the field to the east of the wood, where the golf course has now been built. Three barrows appear on 19th maps.

The Ridge

a pleasant ridge-top lane lined with large houses and tidy hedges

Flemings – it the Woldingham Artillery Magazines As part of the 1880s scheme two unfortified artillery magazines were built north of Oxted Lime Works. one has a house built on it. They lie back from The Ridge a few metres to the east of Southview road. the magazines lie in the grounds of Flemings, built in 1910 over the magazines. It is private In the late 1880s the French were considered to be the potential aggressor and a plan was drawn up to construct a system of stop lines along the North Downs to the Thames should the Royal Navy fail to prevent a landing. This led to the construction of mobilisation centres plus ammunition and trench digging tools – trenches only to be dug by volunteers in case of war. 13 centres were built between 1893 and 1902 but they looked like forts. The fort had rampart and a metal fence. Wardens cottages and store - The caretakers were the only people who ever manned them and the whole scheme was abandoned in 1905.

Fort Garth,

Fort Lodge

Fort Cottage.

concrete posts inscribed, WD4 and WD5.


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