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Film studios.

Cecil Hepworth films in 1899 and spread all round as it grew. Walton Playhouse is only bit left. Built in 1920 to house 2 800 kW diesel generators from a captured U boat

Apps Court

Lambeth Water Co powers but not built in 1898 when Metropolitan Board of Works took over. To be connected by tunnel to Hampton Works for storage reservoir. Brick kilns for making clay bricks on site ready in 1898 when Board took over. Contract for reservoirs to Aird and Sons Londons water supply Apps Court Crown land since Edward II and customary free arms of ale and corn on All Saints Day. Charity Commissioners insisted on a commutation, Board tried to ignore it. Walton Storage reservoirs built and ok in 1905 Airds. Tunnel under Thames from reservoirs to Hampton Works 48 inch mains. Knight Reservoir after Sir Henry Knight Chairman of the Vauxhall and Lambeth Co 480m galls. And 51 1/2 acres Water area. 1898 on site of Apps Court Southwark & Vauxhall Co. 1907 opened

Knights Reservoir

Built by the Metropolitan Water Board. 480 m.g. and a water area of 51.5 acres. C.1905. . Designed by J.W.Restler Deputy Chief Engineer MWB and former Engineer of the Southwark and Vauxhall Companhy.


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