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Beddington Lane

Famlon Place cooling towers, first farm outside London

Pylons, always 4.00 and late November;

Beddington Sewage works – set up because Croydon Board of Health were threatened with imprisonment for putting raw sewage into the Wandle.

Beddington cement works by Hall and Co of Croydon sold 1912 details of setting up and decision to build. Beddington cement works by the Wandle built in 1904. German workers there, mess room and bathrooms

Behind the works, cottages for the workers. Used their own chalk from Coulsdon, Snowcrete experiments there.

Beddington Caves?

Church Road

Mitcham. Halls had great trouble with the pits flooding. Land and depot with sidings to the railway owned by Halls

Tamworth lane

Halls gravel pits closed 1941

Gas invention led to more demands for brass for fittings 1712 Charles Parry Temple Mill, Mitcham


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